What Does It Takes To Kill? (3)

Erik managed to catch the private investigator off guard with his dart. As the old man was still confused by the sudden aggression, before the private investigator could even react, Erik's Flyssa was already drawn and aimed at Hais's throat.

The old man barely managed to unsheathe his sword in time to parry Erik's lethal strike, sparks flying as the steel clashed.

"So, is this how you handle things? You have a problem with someone, and you kill them?" Hais remarked.

"You know nothing," Erik said while swinging his sword horizontally at his opponent, who deflected the move with his sword.

"You really think that killing is the solution to everything? That once you get rid of your opponents, everything will improve?" Hais asked.

"It proved to be the right solution until now…" Erik replied, swinging his sword again. He had an advantage, as usually, he didn't go in a fight without being sure to win.