The Red Lotus Lounge (1)

"Ok, you can enter when you want," Erik said to Anderson.

"All right, I wish you luck, Erik."

"Yeah, I wish you luck too."

With that, Erik closed the conversation and turned to look at his friends.

"All right, guys, they are going in; we must wait a few minutes before going into action." The others nodded.

Erik crouched low behind the dumpster, his eyes scanning the back door of the Red Lotus Lounge. Contrary to the last time he was here, the place was deadly silent. However, there were much more guards than usual. The awakener's and the others' attention was fixed on the four stationed outside, in front of the back door leading to the club.

They were all burly men with shaved heads and tattoos covering their thick arms. Erik had seen their type before; they were muscle-for-hire, paid to keep unwanted guests out, but they were here for a different reason today.

Amber peered over Erik's shoulder, her hands tightly gripping her knife. "When do we go?" she asked, whispering.