The Red Lotus Lounge (22)

Erik and the others burst through the front entrance of the Red Palace and into the cool night air. The adrenaline was pumping through their veins as they knew the gang was pursuing them.

They had just fought in the club; they managed to escape the burning building, but the danger was far from over.

They could hear the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer behind them and the echo of voices shouting for them to stop. They all ran as fast as they could, not daring to look back for fear of slowing down and being caught.

Martha's heart was pounding in her chest as she ran, her mind racing with thoughts of what could happen if they were caught. She glanced over at Erik, who was leading the way with his Flyssa in hand. He looked calm and collected, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.

"I can't believe we're being chased like rats," Mikey grumbled, sweat pouring down his face.

"I know, right? This is insane," Floyd said, taking deep breaths to keep up with the rest.