The Chase (11)

"So, what are we going to do now?" She whispered, her voice shaking, but looking at Erik in the eyes as if he was the leader.

Floyd looked at him as if waiting for him to provide an answer. Stella and Jacob did the same, their expressions still clouded with sadness.

Erik furrowed his brows and chewed on his bottom lip, deep in thought. He desperately searched his mind for a solution to their current problem.

He knew that they needed to act fast if they wanted to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.

His anxiety grew with each passing moment, but he refused to let it consume him. He had to come up with something, and fast.

The problem was that there wasn't much they could do. Without the parents, they couldn't win against the thugs.

They managed to do it outside the club thanks to the number advantage and the surprise effect since he had killed the first guard before he could do anything. Then it was mainly three against one.