The Chase (18)

The rapid beating of Erik's heart could be heard in his chest as he ran into the tight alleyway in an effort to hide from Simone. He was worn out, had practically no mana left, and was covered in wounds.

As he moved gingerly along the narrow lane, the sound of his footfall reverberated off the brick walls on either side.

As he turned the corner, however, he was confronted by a group of thugs dressed in the distinctive garb of the Crystal Cross Gang. Erik's eyes widened in alarm as panic spread through his mind.

When he realized who Erik was, a goon with a scarred face twisted into a sneering grin of malice. He nudged his black-haired comrade and nodded in Erik's direction. "Isn't that Erik, the guy the boss wants?"

The black-haired thug's eyes widened with recognition as he studied Erik from afar. "You're right," he confirmed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and anticipation. "That's him, no doubt about it. The one with the price on his head."