The rusted door

Erik channeled mana into his legs while simultaneously casting a quick glance over his shoulder in the direction of the approaching swarm of Acidspitter Arthropods.

His muscles, already aching from the exertion, reacted with a surge of speed that was so quick that it was almost impossible to see.

The sharp edges of his boots scraped against the uneven stones he was walking on, kicking up a cloud of pebbles behind him.

Every step he took was a gamble because the force of his legs propelling him forward gave him such momentum that he was constantly on the verge of losing control. But he didn't dare slow down. The acid-spitting swarm was relentless, and the sound of their serrated claws clicking menacingly as they advanced in waves was terrifying.

With one final push of his mana-enhanced speed, Erik then leaped toward the door. He put his hand out in front of him; fingers spread wide to reach for the icy-rusted metal of the massive door.