A Solution (4)

The problem wasn't a simple lack of water or sunlight. It was something much more predatory. Something was stripping the earth of its vitality, turning it into a lifeless wasteland that was unable to support any form of living thing.

His thoughts went straight to a terrible conclusion the moment he saw the state of the terrain. He turned behind to look at the woman who brought him here, Vanessa. When their eyes met, he noticed a change in her expression from one of eager expectation to one that suggested apprehension. She was smart; she must have noticed his expressions when he analyzed the soil. When he finally spoke, his tone was as parched as the dirt he held in his hand.

"Before doing what I came here for, another matter must be addressed…" Erik said.

"And what would that be?" Vanessa replied.

"I can grow the plants and everything else, yet, this won't solve the problem while I'm gone," the young man said.