The City

"Remember, we're here to kill the humanoid thaid. The Arthropods can be killed with a more relaxed approach later, but the humanoid thaid must be killed now," he reminded them. "Stay vigilant, stay quiet, and stay together. Let's do this."

With those concluding words, Erik led the group deeper into the bowels of the ancient city, where the menacing silhouette of its vast structures loomed ahead of them, anticipating their arrival.

The group crossed the door's threshold; their bodies cast long and spectral shadows due to the radiant sparkle of the Aclaitrium ore. Ahead, the city slowly revealed itself, its skeletal ruins rising from the cavern floor like the bones of some long-extinct beast.

The spooky echoes of a time when humans called this underground city home could still be heard as rusty beams, broken stones, and wooden husks whispered of an era that had long since passed away.