The situation outside

In the blink of an eye, the beast's sinewy, purple arm shot out, snagging Samuel by the waist.

The old warrior didn't have a moment to react, the sudden grip of the monstrous creature freezing him in his tracks. In a bone-chilling silence, the monster's grasp grew tighter, and then, with a thunderous roar, it hurled him away.

Samuel's body soared through the air, tossed like a discarded toy by an angry kid.

The air around him was thick with an unsettling stillness as he soared through the dark room. Every gaze followed his path as he collided with the icy, metallic walls of the laboratory. The sound reverberated through the chamber, shaking the very air within.

The moment his stone armor met its match, it shattered into pieces, revealing his vulnerable form as he slid down the wall and collapsed onto the floor.