Back to the village

For a moment, they stood there, panting heavily, their relief palpable. They were safe, at least for now. They had made it. They had survived.

As they pressed their backs against the chilling metal of the ancient door, the adrenaline rush from their escape slowly faded.

Their breaths came in gasps, their chests heaving with each inhale and exhale. Their hearts hammered against their ribs as if yearning to escape their bony prison.

The villagers stared in disbelief, their eyes wide with the terror of their daring escape. Sweat, dirt, and sheer fear were visible on their pale faces. Their knees trembled, and some collapsed, their bodies quivering with exhaustion and fear from the relentless pursuit. Their hands shook, still clutching the torches that had been their only light source in the tunnel's darkness.

"We clearly need more people to kill all of these monsters," one of the villagers said.

"You are right," Samuel said, "We clearly underestimated how many were there..."