Samuel's Departure

Erik's expression became more serious as he took in the sight of Samuel's bandaged body. The remnants of the fight that had taken place in the ancient city were clearly visible on the body of the elderly man, and the events of the previous day were still very fresh in his mind.

The usually upbeat and robust man was now decked out in a combination of freshly woven bandages and armor that had been worn in combat. His recent struggles were evident on his skin by the cuts and bruises. His facial lines became more defined due to the pain and exhaustion he was experiencing.

Even though it had only been a day since they had last been to the ancient city together, Erik believed Samuel was already on his way back there. On the other hand, he became aware that this was only feasible as a result of Samuel's strength, which was noticeably superior to that of everyone else in the village, with the exception of Amos.