The tests (6)

Erik's attention was drawn to the far end of the room, where a holographic console flickered, casting dancing shadows on the figure seated behind it.

It was another examiner, a woman whose sharp eyes glinted with an unspoken challenge. The soft glow from the console illuminated her features, giving her an ethereal look with blue and purple hues.

"Erik Kay," she stated, more than asked, her voice carrying the ring of authority.

"Yes, that's me," he responded, stepping closer to her console.

Her features seemed to light up with amusement. "Well, Mr. Kay, I've heard a lot about your progress so far," she said, her tone detached but curious. "Let's see if you can keep up the momentum."

She sat up straight and expertly manipulated the holographic controls, explaining the rules. Erik absorbed every word she said, creating an expectant silence in the room.