Searching the rooms

Erik located his first target without skipping a beat: a robot guard standing a few meters away with his back to him. He closed the gap silently, his footsteps so light that the robot's excellent hearing missed the echoes in the wooden passage. His heart pounded like a hammer, each beat mirroring the countdown to his onslaught.

Erik surged forward when he was near enough. One arm slipped over the guard's waist while the other reached up to clamp a clamp over the steel lips to muffle any possible sound. Erik hardly had time to react before ripping the artificial head from the body and straining its neck.

The fragile wire within shattered with a muted crack. The corpse of the robot guard was carefully dropped onto the cold wooden floor.

Erik wasted no time getting to his feet and heading for his next victim. Another robot's metallic eyes were studying the space ahead, ignorant of its comrade's destiny.