Escape (3)

Erik strode with determination over the roofs, his footsteps rapid and producing a rhythmic echo with each step that he took. The carefree wind ruffled his clothing and caused Lucy's hair to twirl behind her, creating an effect that was evocative of a dark streak against the sky.

Getting around on the roofs was not a simple task. As Erik vaulted over gaps and sometimes swung his arm to assist him in vaulting over difficult hurdles, his dexterity and strength were put on full display for everyone to see.

Lucy, struggling to keep up with the speed, clung to him for dear life as they ran. Her eyes, which were widened with a combination of terror and exhilaration, were tightly closed against the whirlwind of their flight.

The robots below were pursuing the pair tenaciously because they had been pre-programmed to do so. However, the city's labyrinthine streets and lanes presented difficulties even for these technologically powerful robots to navigate.