The Bread & Blade

Erik's boots reverberated through the evening air as he stepped into the cobblestone streets of Testrovsc's Rest.

After such a long and hectic day, just the notion of a good lunch made him feel better about everything. He recalled a warm and welcoming inn he had stopped at on several occasions since moving to the city.

The mouthwatering, freshly prepared meals initially attracted him, not the lavish surroundings of the establishment.

Children ran between stalls, their laughter merging with the voices of adults as they bargained, and salespeople hawked their wares with well-rehearsed pitches as they moved through the crowded market.

Erik's stomach rumbled in anticipation as a mild wind carried the tantalizing smells of roasted meats and freshly baked bread from nearby stalls. This prompted Erik to quicken his steps.

Soon after, he arrived at the inn, which had a wooden sign that creaked subtly in the breeze as he approached.