Elegance (1)

As Erik emerged from the steamy bathroom, he wiped the moisture off his hair with a towel.

It was a momentary reprieve from the day's events, exacerbated by the soothing embrace of his freshly laundered clothes.

He lounged in the velvety embrace of the armchair, gazing out the window as the rising sun's warm glow filtered through the drapes, imbuing the room with a serene and enchanting aura.

"System, open the file Ms. Bannon sent on my phone," Erik instructed, addressing the biological supercomputer.

A neatly organized document appeared on his phone screen, catching Erik's attention with its header reading "Doran Stedman - Classified Information." As he delved deeper into its contents, he furrowed his brows in deep thought.

Erik quickly noticed something bizarre as he read the file: no information was available about Doran's job. Moreover, it was surprising how little was known about his day-to-day activities, considering that he had attracted the guild's attention.