Aiden and Mira (2)

As Erik spoke, the inn's background noise seemed to disappear because of the authority and intensity in his tone.

"Something major is about to happen. I've chosen to start a guild of my own." He took a few long breaths while he sized up his friends' reactions. "I need fifteen members in total, including me. I have a solid long-term plan, vehicles, and a local business owner willing to help us and facilitate our operations."

Mira sat forward in her chair, staring intently at Erik's masked face. "A guild, you say? That's a big thing to manage, Erik. Why now?"

Erik looked quite serious. "Now seems like a good moment to launch a project of this nature. It was the main reason for my visit," Erik said, lying. "This is our opportunity to leave our mark in this world, to get safety and success. To get trusty comrades."