The Hummingbird Pharmaceutical (2)

Dr. Wainwright led Erik and Rebecca through the shining corridors of Hummingbird Pharmaceuticals with an enthusiasm that belied his age. The building was a maze of innovation and scientific achievement, with each department a hub of activity and discovery.

First, they arrived at the Research and Development wing. Dr. Wainwright waved his hand expansively, showcasing the state-of-the-art laboratories filled with researchers in white coats, hunched over microscopes and beakers filled with colorful liquids.

"Here in R&D, our brilliant scientists work tirelessly to create new potions, pills, and elixirs," he explained, his voice filled with pride. "Our goal is to push the boundaries of medicinal alchemy, combining traditional techniques with modern technology."

Rebecca nodded, her eyes scanning the room, absorbing every detail. Erik's gaze lingered on the security measures, noting cameras and access points.