Spying inside

Erik rushed into the red building, his chest tight from the strain, and his eyes went straight to Rebecca as soon as he entered. He found her in the elevator, still wearing her mask; her eyes widened with eagerness as she watched the movement of the elevator on the small display.

"She just took the elevator," Rebecca said, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned to Erik.

"Check what floor she goes to; I'll take the stairs!" Erik instructed, his voice filled with urgency.

As Erik whirled around and dashed for the stairway, Rebecca gave Erik a nod and immediately began working the controls on the device. As he sprinted up the stairs, two at a time, his heart was thumping furiously in his chest. His thoughts were entirely focused on achieving one goal: catching up to Sara.

The floors passed in a blur, each step bringing him closer to his target. Sweat poured down his face, but he pushed on, driven by the knowledge that every second counted.