A work proposal

(A.N: This is a sort of bonus chapter because I made it twice as long as usual. Enjoy :D)

Just as the door clicked shut behind his clones, Erik's communication device buzzed on his desk. The caller ID displayed Lysa's name. Intrigued, he picked it up.

Erik maintained his calm and composed demeanor as he addressed Lysa. "Lysa, to what do I owe the pleasure?" His voice carried a cool and collected tone, tinged with curiosity. His expression remained neutral, betraying no hint of excitement or surprise.

Lysa, standing nearby, met Erik's gaze with a poised and professional demeanor. Her tone matched his coolness as she spoke.

"Erik, there's someone who wishes to speak with you," Lysa maintained a formal undertone while speaking. "He's asked me to act as a proxy and set up a holographic call with you."