Accepting the quest or not? (2)

They would need vehicles that could blend into the landscape, perhaps equipped with some form of camouflage or noise reduction technology.

It was a daunting task, but Erik felt a surge of adrenaline at the thought. He lived for this: the thrill of the hunt, the challenge of overcoming insurmountable odds. And as he looked over the quest details one final time, he couldn't help but smile. He wanted to do this, but by bringing a team, he needed to make sure his men were with him on this.

Erik knew it was going to be a mission like no other, a challenge that would test their organization and push it to its limits. With a deep breath, he picked up his phone and dialed Mira's number.

As soon as her familiar voice echoed from the other end, he requested her to come to his office. He also asked her to bring along Aiden, Kael, and Lila, knowing that their skills and expertise would be invaluable for the task at hand.