The Echo of Victory

The air crackled with excitement within the convoy. Cheers and laughter burst forth from the vehicles, infusing the surroundings with a heady mix of triumph and relief.

The fledgling members of the guild, still unseasoned and vulnerable, joined their voices in a chorus of Erik's name, their cries echoing through the forest like a clarion call for victory.





The young man cast his gaze upon the faces of his guild members, their eyes shining with a heady mix of admiration and gratitude.

The weight of their expectations and the depth of their trust in him bore down upon him like an anvil, threatening to crush him beneath its weight.

Gathering his resolve, he climbed atop the car's front, raising his hand in a commanding gesture to signal for silence.

"Listen up, everyone," he began, his voice tinged with emotion while the wind blew on his face.