The Ravine (1)

The night had unfolded peacefully, a welcome respite in a journey fraught with peril. Many Campfires flickered like beacons, their warm glow warding off the darkness that clung to the forest like a shroud.

The guards stood like statues, their eyes scanning the surroundings with the intensity of a hawk, laser rifles poised for action.

As the moon climbed higher in the sky, a few Thaids had ventured close to the camp, lured by the scent of fresh water from the nearby stream. But they were weaker variants, nothing the recruits couldn't handle. 

A few well-aimed shots had been enough to deter them, the sound of laser fire shattering the night's tranquility. 

Erik had spent most of the night reviewing plans and maps, but even he had caught a few hours of sleep.