The Ravine (3)

The beginning of an indistinct murmur could be detected, so faint that it was almost imperceptible, merging with the ambient sounds of the ravine.

It was only a small group of mercenaries who caught on at the beginning, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of questions.

"Do you hear that?" someone asked, their voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. Their gaze flitted around the area as if trying to locate the source of the sound through sight.

"Yeah, what is that?" The man's tone echoed in the confusion. The murmur swelled in intensity, its distinct timbre permeating the space.

Erik's forehead creased into a frown as he listened. A wave of familiarity washed over him, leaving him with a sense of déjà vu. He recognized this sound, but from where? His mind spun, rifling through past confrontations, filtering through memories of various thaids he had encountered. Then, like a bolt of lightning, realization struck him.