Before the desert

As the convoy journeyed on, the landscape underwent a subtle transformation.

The once lush verdure of dense forests, with their canopies teeming with the chatter of wildlife, slowly receded, replaced by a sparser landscape.

The ground beneath their feet became strewn with stones and pebbles as the trees thinned out, standing like sentinels at the border of two worlds.

The air grew drier, carrying the scent of ancient dust, as the verdant greens turned to muted browns and the earth cracked under the relentless sun. In the distance, the White Desert loomed, its pale sands a stark contrast to the dark, jagged rocks that now lay scattered like breadcrumbs marking their journey's path.

Erik reached for the radio and deftly turned the dial to connect with Kael.

"Kael, let's halt the convoy. We'll set up camp here for the night," Erik instructed, his voice steady.