Flying Menace (5)

From his hidden vantage point, Erik watched in awe as the Galewing descended onto the sand, its talons sinking into the ground with a fierce, predatory grip.

As the creature drew closer, Erik recognized the lifeless body of the driver, a man he had relied on throughout their dangerous expedition to the White Desert.

They had shared meals, laughter, and stories around campfires, forming a camaraderie that was now severed.

Erik watched in horror as the Galewing descended upon the severed head. With a grace that belied its massive size, the Galewing extended its razor-sharp talons, grasping the grizzly prize.

Its movements were precise, almost ritualistic, as if performing a sacred rite of the wild. The Galewing tilted its head, examining the head with an intensity that seemed almost contemplative.

Then, with a swift motion, it opened its massive beak, revealing a cavernous maw lined with rows of needle-like teeth.