The rest of the plane (2)

As Erik made his way towards the maw of the shattered fuselage, his eyes narrowed, trying to take in the chaotic scene that lay before him.

The young man stepped inside. The first thing that struck him was the smell, a strong and pungent combination of burnt metal, fuel, and an unidentified scent that he couldn't quite identify.

Inside the wreckage of the plane, the interior was a scene of utter chaos and devastation. The twisted metal, jutting out at peculiar angles, formed a complex maze of sharp corners and distorted surfaces.

What would have been rows of seats in a commercial airliner were replaced here by large, open spaces filled with strewn items and toppled wooden crates.

The limited number of seats that were available were in a state of disarray, with a few of them being ripped from their moorings and left hanging with shredded fabric, while others were completely displaced and thrown around.