Training Technique and New Serum

Erik stepped into the sterile, white-walled lab of the guild's new Alchemy and Pharmaceutical department.

The air was tinged with the scent of chemicals and mana-infused solutions. Rows of glass beakers, vials, and high-tech machinery lined the counters.

Lab technicians in white coats moved about, engrossed in their tasks. At the center of it all was Jabir, the Chief of the department, hunched over a table scribbling notes.

Erik approached him, a sealed envelope in hand. "Jabir," he said, capturing the man's attention.

Jabir looked up, his eyes meeting Erik's masked gaze. "Ah, Master Kay, what brings you here?"

Erik extended the envelope toward him. "Read this."

Curiosity piqued, Jabir took the envelope and opened it. As his eyes scanned the first few lines, his expression shifted from curiosity to shock.

His eyes widened behind his glasses, and he looked up at Erik, who stood there with an amused smirk.