Two Galewings (1)

The flock of flying Thaids, enormous and majestic in flight, soared through the open sky. They were drawn towards a solitary, towering tree, standing as a solitary sentinel in the otherwise barren landscape, its existence a mystery that beckoned them closer.

As the Thaids glided nearer, their vigilant eyes scrutinized the ground beneath them, searching for any sign of danger or intrigue. Despite their keen vision, nothing remarkable caught their attention.

While approaching the enigmatic tree, the Thaids noticed a noticeable shift in the environment. The ambient temperature around the tree dropped, contrasting with the surrounding arid landscape.

Without warning, two members of the Thaid group, distinguishable by their impressive size and sleek, powerful bodies, diverged from their companions. Their sudden departure left the rest of the flock trailing behind.