Terrapedes (3)

Erik, standing atop the fallen titan, had barely a moment to catch his breath before the remaining terrapedes approached. Drawn by the potent pheromones released by their slain kin, they surged towards him in a wave of blind rage and vengeance.

The creatures, undeterred by the fate of their colossal brethren, scuttled over the titan's lifeless body.

It became a grotesque bridge, leading them straight to Erik. Their many legs skittered and clicked against the hardened exoskeleton of the fallen giant, creating a chilling cacophony in the otherwise silent desert.

Erik watched as they swarmed over the titan, their eyes glinting with a primal, unyielding determination. They clambered atop one another, forming a living, writhing mass of chitin and fury.

"Ah… Fuck… This is annoying."

Erik steeled himself for the next wave of combat. He knew he could not afford even a moment's hesitation.