The mercenaries couldn't care less about civilians.

After much effort, the duo finally reached Caelora city. But they knew they weren't safe yet. The sound of shouts behind them made them turn. Mercenaries streamed out of the building, raising their brain crystal rifles.

"Run!" Erik said. "Get to the streets and disappear. I will find you!"

June hesitated, reluctant to part from Erik. However, he knew his master was right—their only chance of escape depended on him leaving.

He understood that in the current situation, his presence would be more of a liability than a help to Erik due to those rifles even his master had trouble evading.

With a determined nod, June took off running as Erik spun to face the mercenaries to give his clone time.

In the meantime, June charged into the crowded streets, weaving between startled people. People jumped back in surprise, their faces etched with fear and confusion.