New Hunt

Erik's gaze lingered on June for a moment longer before he rose to his feet, dusting off his hands. "Stay here and protect the eggs." His tone carried an undercurrent of urgency. "I need to go out and hunt for my next target."

June's eyes narrowed. He didn't think his master would start hunting the following day of their coming. He wondered how Erik could have the mental strength to never rest.

"Who's the target?" he asked. His gaze followed Erik, tracing his silhouette as he moved towards the door.

Erik paused, his hand hovering over the knob. He turned back to face June. "A bitch… Another mercenary."

He paused, a grimace pulling at his features, causing lines of tension to etch themselves on his forehead.

"Like Terrence, our previous target, she's been accused of killing random party members she's taken quests with. The guild has proof but did nothing again."

"Why?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion.