Strategic Meeting (3)

Erik hastened his pace. His heart pounded with urgency, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts about his father and the Blackguards' intentions.

Quakestrike's heavy armor clanked as he went past the debris of the half-destroyed villa, making a sound that echoed through the ruins.

A Blackguard in full regalia running through the city streets was an odd sight.

The citizens' expressions mixed curiosity and concern. They didn't know if the Blackguards already took care of the flying Thaid, but based on the searches they were doing, it was clear there was more to the matter than they knew.

However, Erik paid them no heed. His focus was just one—to reach the park as soon as possible.

As he navigated the streets, a vibration in his pocket caught his attention. It came from a phone he stole.

Erik swiftly grabbed the phone without breaking stride, only to discover it was an unfamiliar number.