Meeting the Fierce Lioness (1)

Inside the room, Rebecca and Erik settled into an uneasy silence that gave way to sporadic conversation.

They chatted about unimportant things, trying to ease the tension for their upcoming discussion with the Fierce Lioness.

The room, with its grandeur and solemnity, seemed to amplify their unease, making each attempt at levity fall short of its mark.

Time trickled by, measured only by the shifting light through the windows and the occasional shuffle of their seats.

"So, what happened when I left the city? You can now tell me why you wanted me to leave the city."

Erik sighed. He could tell her. "I didn't want you to get hurt," Erik said. That left Rebecca startled, but also happy.

"What could have possibly put me in danger?" Rebecca asked.

"The Blackguards." Rebecca made a confused face. What did the Blackguards had to do with all that?

"What? Why would the Blackguards have something to do with me?"