An Agreement

After the surprising turn of events, the Fierce Lioness said, "I'll provide a room for you and your follower to rest," showing with a nod that Rebecca would show them the way.

With that, she left the room, her laughter still echoing behind her.

Once the door closed, Rebecca turned to Erik, her expression a mixture of admiration and concern.

"You risked a lot today."

"There were very low chances to know if my mother was going to react as she did."

What Rebecca didn't realize was that Erik had an advantage she was unaware of—his ability to read minds had made the encounter far less risky than it appeared.

However, Erik chose not to reveal this detail to her, as that could complicate things a lot, but was sure he was going to sooner or later.

For him, having the conversation with the Fierce Lioness had been easier than Rebecca could have imagined.