Hunting for Shade (25)

As Erik, June, and Shade stood amidst the unfolding drama, the surrounding scene was one of utter chaos and destruction.

The town hall, now a towering inferno, painted the night with its furious blaze.

Flames licked the sky while thick, acrid smoke billowed upwards, choking the air and obscuring the stars.

The intense heat radiating from the conflagration was almost tangible, creating a suffocating atmosphere that made it hard to breathe.

Around them, the situation was no less tumultuous. The Band of Giants' 300 soldiers were locked in fierce combat with the remaining 1500 members of Shade's gang.

The sounds of battle—clashing metal, shouts of defiance, and the cries of the wounded—filled the air, creating a cacophony of violence that mirrored the chaos of the flames.

Despite the odds, Laria's troops fought with unmatched ability, employing both skill and strategy to hold back the tide of criminals desperate to rescue their captured lord.