Chaos at the Docks

As the command to destroy everything echoed through the minds of the Chimaeric Demons, a series of powerful explosions rocked the enemy docks.

The peaceful harbor quickly descended into chaos. The destruction was rampant. Boats were thrown around, and the calm waters became violent. 

The soldiers ran in all directions, shouting and trying to understand what was happening. It was clear this was an attack, but from where it came, who was making it? It was all unclear. 

The fuel barrels had been blown up by the Chimaeric Demons, who left the area unscathed. That, of course, set off a devastating chain reaction.

Fireballs erupted from the ships, engulfing them in flames and sending thick plumes of black smoke billowing into the sky. The intense heat from the blasts destroyed part of the metal hulls and twisted some other parts into grotesque shapes as the ships sank into the churning waters below.