The Other Side

Bill stood in his office at the Law Gate, studying the reports scattered across his broad mahogany desk. 

The past months hadn't been easy at all. With Monica's death, only he remained behind to ensure all the blackguards from the human continent traversed the ocean and went to Mur.

Many lives were lost.

Maps and displays covered the walls. On them were markers showing troop positions and defensive installations. 

The markers also showed the places where the blackguards believed Erik's troops were.

The blackguards even found some of the forest bases, yet they didn't know that most of Erik's troops took the place of Hin's troops months ago. 

The latest intelligence updates said nothing about their enemy and his troops.

"Any news about Erik Romano yet?" 

Bill's attendant's boots clicked against the floor. The blackguard's uniform bore the Enforcers' insignia.