Infiltrating the Fortress

Erik and his team were standing in front of the shimmering barrier. Unsurprisingly, the energy field stretched from the depths of the earth to the sky above, an impenetrable wall of pure mana, which was reinforcing one of whatever kind of energy the generators were making, and that was, though, at least as strong as mana.

Erik was still surprised by humanity's ability to create barrier generators. The technology had proven to be their salvation, the one innovation that had allowed human civilization to endure the endless waves of monsters and world-ending threats. Humanity would have perished centuries ago without these barriers.

Yet when he first learned about them, he had doubted humans could achieve such a technological marvel. 

"Now, Amber," Erik said.

The woman closed her eyes, drawing mana from her brain crystal and sending it flowing through her neural links and then to the rest of her body.