Friend or Foe No More (1)

The dead blackguards rose, mana making their bodies move. Their limbs snapped into place before they became able again to stand and to stare with their creepy, glowing eyes.

They picked up what remained of their weapons and moved; they marched in creepy, synchronized movements, though their motions were stiff and unnatural. Then, with no sign of recognition, they attacked their former allies.

The blackguards backed away as they saw their fallen comrades rise from their metaphorical grave. Their shouts went unanswered as the undead marched toward them with a single purpose. 

The blackguards were a tight-knit group that rarely formed connections outside their own ranks. 

They lived together in the barracks, trained together, and shared meals in their own mess halls. Now, these close bonds made the battle even more horrific, as soldiers were forced to fight against their bunkmates, training partners, and closest companions who had been turned into undead.