Perhaps it was due to the overwhelming number of Chimaeric Demons, or possibly Erik's fierce attack.
There was no way to be certain. However, everyone knew one thing: many Blackguards remained to be killed, captured, and interrogated.
Erik sighed.
"Well, that was fun," he said with sarcasm. "There is nothing better than a morning dance with a monster hell-bent on devouring your head to really get the blood pumping."
The man looked down at the scene below. The battle continued to rage across the fortress-like city, with thousands of fighters clashing.
Despite their situation, the blackguards were still alive and kicking and made their way close to the walls to escape from the city.
Many clones died, and with them, the control of many of the undead, which allowed the blackguards to push enough to almost get out of the city. Erik looked at the scene.