Read this first its a 'warning'

I am changing this first chapter to disclaimer some stuff that is in the story and some problems some people have had. The Beginning of the story is strictly setup or world building, what I mean is the MC is in Braavos and I don't know if you know what Braavos is but its basically a city built on some rocks surrounded by other rocks.

The MC who is Eragon leaves Braavos in chapter 25-26 so until that point the story is jumping POVs to introduce changes I have made in the world like showing new people or people that lived that originally died in canon.

I am saying this because people crying about seeing other POVs instead of locking only on Eragon, which is wild because in the original show and book it does the same but they want to cry about me doing it.

There is still currently no R18 scenes, but there will be and when there is its a harem fic and multiple girls at once will happen. So expect some girl on girl is all I am saying.

People had problems with me saying the girls 'might' have sex together if Eragon was gone for like a year plus and even said stuff like 'girls can wait years without having sex they don't need it to live' or something equally stupid.

To that I can only pity and woman you have been in a relationship with as I know you aren't currently in one. Girls get horny, a lot in fact and they also crave sex.

And I had said I 'might' and not that it 100% would happen, I haven't even had Eragon do more than kiss a girl so far but there whining and calling me a cuck and I just don't even understand if they really know what a cuck is.

Remember this is still a 'maybe' scenario and not something that is for sure going to happen, I am still unsure if I am going to do it or not because there a lot of vocal and opiniated people who are opposing it.

Getting cheated on maliciously and without you being aware and then raising someone else kid is infidelity.

Watching your wife get screwed by a different man and jerking off to it or getting pictures while at work of her sucking cocks is being a cuck.

Knowing you are going to be gone for a long time and your hot blooded wife is going to be horny at some point and not caring if your other wife eats her out is vastly different than the two above examples.

I can go on and on about it but it wont change your opinion.

Because there 'Might' be girl on girl in this fic at some point I am adding Yuri to the tags just to be safe. It will disappoint some people out there who look for real Yuri and to them I am sorry.

Ok, now I have warned new people about the things they commonly complain about I am done. All that just for a 'maybe' story element is kind of wild to me but its whatever.

I hope you enjoy the story.