
294 AC

Braavos - House with the red door

Eragon Targaryen


"Well I guess this is goodbye, for now, I will see you guys on the other side of the narrow sea next time we meet." Elia is leaving with her brother after they spent the whole day talking after waking up, Daenerys has been keeping an eye on me so I don't slip off and forget to ask mom about the chest.

She figured it all out on her own once I started talking about them she was already aware of where they were and only wanted to know what they looked like. I hope mom doesn't get angry at me since it was an honest mistake, a stupid one.

"Safe travels, I look forward to seeing the kids as soon as we can." When mom came to breakfast she went on and on about the kids in Sunspear. It seems the dam was broken after she read their notes to her and couldn't hold anything back anymore.

"We will be fine mother, take care of yourself and the others." She hugs her one last time and turns to leave with her brother Oberyn who looks pleased to be leaving. I don't think that he likes us very much, not sure why though since we haven't done anything to him that I am aware of.

"Let's ask her as soon as she is alone." Danny leans into me and whispers in my ear, not that good of a whisper because Shiera looks over curiously. I lightly push Danny off and she looks over to see where I am looking when she sees a grinning Shiera she straightens up. This secret will have it's top blown off, and it's all my fault.

"Alright guys, go ahead and get your training done while I talk to Viserys for a bit." Mom shoos us out of the way and even pushes Shiera even though she doesn't train with us. Seeing she has no choice in the matter Shiera decides to run up to my side and whisper to me.

"What are Danny and you sneaking around to ask someone?" I shake my head and pat my stomach.

"I got horrible stomach pain and wanted to talk to mom without worrying everyone." A full-proof idea, she can't confirm my imagined pain and can only choose to let it go.

"Oh, I see. You shouldn't practice then and can instead accompany me on the sidelines and watch the others practice." No, wait this is not going according to plan. I wipe the sweat off my brow and look to Daenerys for help and she is already distancing herself from me, Traitor!

"Well if it starts to hurt worse I can sit on the side with you, I can't slack off and become lazy. All my effort to become a good swordsman would be thrown out if I got lazy." She nods and gives a bright smile.

"Your right, you have been working hard to become better and it would be unfortunate if you lost your drive to keep getting better." Crisis averted.


"Ok, let's get this over with I guess." I walk with Danny to moms room after we got cleaned up from training. Shiera and Rhaenyra aren't in sight so it's the best chance, we will just close the door and hope mom doesn't beat me.

I knock on the door and wait for a response, hearing a muted ' come in. ' I push the door open and we both walk in. I do my best to not wear my emotions and straighten my back.

"Mom." I double check the door is shut and speak up causing her to look up from her book and side-eye me. When she notices me and Danny standing side by side and shifting in place she closes the book and sets it down.

"What is wrong with my babies? You don't feel bad do you?" She stands up and walks over to us and pulls each one of us into a different wide with one arm. I decide to get it over with and not drag this out.

"I messed up bad, I broke my promise by accident." She looks confused and slightly worried.

"What promise baby?" Before I can speak up Danny peeks at the chest on the side of the room with some stuff set on top of it. Mom picks up on this and her eyes slowly widen and she looks forlornly at the chest and I feel a pit form in my gut.

"I am sorry, it slipped out when I was talking about other stuff with Danny." She stops looking at the chest and shakes her head before pulling me into a hug with both arms.

"It's fine baby, I just don't want anyone not in our family to learn about them and try to rob us. They very well may kill us and run off with them if they learned about them. Fewer people should know so it won't slip out anymore, ok?" She looks at Danny to confirm she understands and gets an eager nod from my twin.

"I won't let it slip." Her lip quirks up when she looks at me while I lay my head into my mother's embrace. I am honestly just glad I didn't catch a hand on my backside so I will let her attitude pass for now.

"Good girl, I am glad you admitted to your mistake Eragon. That is very grown up of you and makes me proud." She grabs my shoulders and holds me out from her while smiling at me. "So you are ok now, no more looking sad?" She raises a brow and looks between us.

"Well..." Danny says and looks over at the chest with a longing look, like when she knows I have her favorite food stashed away. Mom quickly picks up on it and shakes her head helplessly.

"You want to see, don't you?" Danny nods and mom surprisingly moves to get the key that is stashed. "Alright lock the door just in case." I quickly move to the door and lock it before sliding next to the chest.

Daenerys sits next to me on her knees and we both watch as mother puts the key into the lock and turns it. She lifts the lid exposing the damaged Targaryen banner, she grabs the corner of the banner and pulls it off exposing the seven beautiful gem-like eggs.

"Wow, they are bigger than I thought, they are spiky as well." She reaches to touch one and runs her fingers along a light blue one with white swirls. My eyes are captivated by the same one as last time, I peek at mom before reaching to pick it up again. Not seeing her react other than just patiently observing I grab the egg.

The egg again doesn't feel like stone and carries a warmth that is impossible for something not exposed to heat. This time I observe the egg better than last time because I am not as shocked as last time. The layered scales running from the tip to the base lock together to make armor, and the slight gleam on the surface almost makes it look like there is some purple on the egg.

"This doesn't feel like what I imagined, I wasn't expecting them to be this big though either so I guess my speculation was off by a lot." Danny holds the same egg I saw her touch and she traces its scale with her finger.

"What did you expect it to feel like?" Mother asks with a hint of amusement in her voice. "They are just stones." I look at the egg and wonder if she is right about that, a feeling deep inside of me tells me that this isn't a stone.

"I expected it to be heavy and cold, like a brick or something. It feels light and warm, it has a certain feeling to it I can't describe." Mom's brows furrow as she looks at the eggs in the chest and hesitates to touch one. Looking back at us she seems to make a decision and puts her hand on a pink one with her eyes closed.

Mom's face relaxes and she opens her eyes and looks at the egg her hand is touching and a look of surprise begins to show. Suddenly we both hear Danny wince and we both look over at her and she is clenching her fist. On the egg is some blood and her hand opens up to show one of her fingers has a small cut on it, likely from rubbing against one of the scale's edges.

"That's enough, put them back." Mom takes her hand off the pink one and helps Danny set the blue one back into the chest without damaging it. I set mine back in place and get out of the way as mom grabs Danny's hand and looks at the finger.

"It's fine, it's only a tiny cut, I can clean it myself." Daenerys looks at the egg once more and stands up and heads for the door. I stand up and take a last look before mom puts the banner back over them and shuts the chest.

"I will go help Danny, she says she can do it on her own but I want to make sure." Mom nods at me after I let her know I am leaving and I turn around and head to find Daenerys.


"This doesn't look like you are cleaning the cut." I find her in our room in her bed under the covers, she sits up and looks at me after she hears me speak.

"I just felt tired and wanted to sleep, I wrapped it up and it should be fine." I walk over and sit next to her before grabbing the finger. Pulling off the loose wraps and looking at the cut I notice it's not too bad.

"Just hold still really quick." I grab a wet cloth and wipe the wound and set some thinner wraps on my knee. Taking her finger and holding it straight with one hand I am about to start wrapping it when a bead of blood pools up on the tip of her finger. I lean in and lick it causing Danny to smack my head.

"What are you doing?" she goes red and holds her injured finger to her chest protectively, I don't know what to say.

"I don't know, it just felt right?" She narrows her eyes before letting out a sigh and giving her finger back. I take it and wrap it up tightly before it can bleed anymore.

"You are not supposed to taste my blood." She fidgets and I look at her like she is crazy, I don't think I am supposed to taste anyone's blood.

"Yea, I get that, blood isn't for drinking and I just kind of did it without thinking." She shakes her head.

"It is supposed to be a wedding thing, you don't remember reading it in that book together?" I remember it once she brings it up.

"Well we didn't have any witnesses and you didn't taste mine so we are fine, I think." A giggle escapes her and I stand up and take my shirt off before sliding under the covers of my bed.

"I guess so, just remember if I taste yours then we are married." I ignore her and bury my head into my pillow, feeling a bit of sweat on my brow I have to flip the pillow over. I feel like I am burning up but also I feel very comfortable.


294 AC

Braavos - Temple of lord of light



The flames flicker and the vision changes into a pool of blood, enough blood to drown a man. Another flicker and I see ashes rain down from the sky like snow, the ashes build up to waist level on a man standing tall. He has his back to me but his long silver-gold hair is recognizable, it's spotless among all the falling ash. The vision disappears, I blink and turn to look out the window.

Something happened, I am not sure what but it has caused something to change. I am unsure of how this will affect things I have already seen. It would be best to take a look in person and see if there is anything I can pick up on. I may have to approach him and try to be more direct, I will wait as long as it takes but if things start changing then I need to interfere. I may have already waited for too long.

He just started to make real contact with the girl I saw, was it too soon or too late? This also could be completely unrelated and I am misinterpreting, I need to be careful and not destroy the path set by my Lord.