
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear



I gaze into the flames and once again feel the new feeling deep within myself, the 'change'. The ritual was a success and Eragon and the dragons are alive and healthy, but they aren't normal. Nor am I after being tied to the process.

I still haven't found any answers on what is different but I know we are different. Blessed in someway by R'hllor's hand, he reached down and made us anew. The flames changed Eragon the most but he is still the same person, but the fires around him act entirely different.

As he walks past a flame it curves toward him as if it craves his touch, I am not much different. Just thinking about him sends feelings through me and I have to keep my mind off it. Drinking wine and talking with him casually was enough to confirm to me that I crave him just like the flames do.

Is this R'hllor's will?

The process rebuilt my body and made me 'young' once more as my body is youthful once more and is even 'functioning' properly. It no longer is sustained by magics I learned over my many years.

Dragonlords of Valyria have always had some tolerance to R'hllor's flames but Eragon can bath in the heat unaffected. His change has confirmed in all ways possible he is the true son of R'hllor and will beat the darkness and bring the unending summer.

I put my hand on my neck once more confirming the ruby that helped sustain me for so long is truly gone and feeling silky smooth skin I smile.

For R'hllor to give me such a purpose I can't help but wonder what it is he wants but it's not my place to ask. I will make his will be done and join with the prince when the time arrives and give him as many children as my body will allow.

The flames flicker and the visions of a bedroom with lusty women falling over themselves for the prince builds a new warmth in my body.

Yes, I will do as R'hllor wills.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Laying in bed after deciding to call it a night with my exhaustion piling on I look up at the canopy.

My hand runs through Shieras hair and down Daenerys back, I thought I would lose this but I didn't. They aren't mad but they also aren't happy about what I did, it's almost like they want to ignore the situation but I will talk it out with them in the morning when I am rested.

They may have thought it wise on their part to have me 'lose' my first with someone not one of them so they wouldn't might over it and cause conflict but it was a mistake. I learned well from my teachers and I plan on throwing these girls' worlds for a loop when I finally bend them over the bed.

I smile imagining them one by one moaning and mewling under me and feeling a fire begin to rage inside of me. I close my eyes and try to calm myself down, the harness is off and I feel free but they will be spared of my advances for at least tonight. They want their first time to be alone and they will see the foolishness in that decision as well. All of my attention on one body will be where my newly found abilities will shine.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, the wait for leaving now feels like it won't be so bad. The time needed to prepare everything if I get permission will fly by as I practice and improve my skills. Both with the spear for ritual combat and the other spear for 'sacred' combat.


"Wake up my love." I feel a breath tickle my ear and I tighten my grip around a soft and malleable body, it wiggles as I press my length against its soft flesh. "We need to start the day and you need to meet Prince Doran today so let's cuddle later ok?" I recognize Daenerys voice and slowly open my eyes and see the back of her head.

I slide the hair away from her neck and lay kisses across it as she shivers against me.

"Good morning." She chuckles.

"Good morning Eragon." I sadly let her go and she seems not willing to part but eventually turns around and kisses me softly before making her way out of the bed.

I lay flat on my back after she leaves and stretch my body out, I feel a newfound energy seemingly built up and ready to use. Probably due to me finally being able to recognize the feeling that has been there for a while.

The 'fire' or the heat that I feel when I look at a woman and drives me to take them. I snort at myself as I lean up on my elbows and look over at my twin slowly getting herself ready for the day. A lazy cat she is she slinks across the room unhurried and swishes her hips unconsciously.

God, I need to get myself under control before I end up fucking someone I shouldn't.

"Where are Rhaenyra and Shiera?" I ask Danny and she looks over her shoulder.

"They went to find Shieras mother and 'talk' with her about some things and they will meet us at breakfast. Shiera seemed upset last night but I think she was just putting on a show so you won't become like Viserys." I nod in understanding and wonder for a moment if I did put a baby in her fine ass last night. I shake it out of my head and decide I will take care of the child if she is pregnant but I see mother giving me the talking of a lifetime.

"What about you my love?" I ask hesitantly as she slides her night dress off and pulls out the clothes for today.

"Eragon, I love you more than any living thing in this world by far. If you took the entire population of the world and put it on one side and you on the other I would pick you if I had to kill one. Sparing our family, of course, I would choose you every time." So goes silent and continues to get dressed as I sit stunned. "I will get very angry with you if you just start slinging around from one girl to the other like Viserys does but I couldn't care less about what you did last night. I know without a shadow of a doubt your feelings for me are strong and will never change. Treat me with respect and the love you always have and I will always be on your side. Neglect me and toss me aside and I might just have to 'separate' you from whatever is distracting you." My eyes only grew wider the more she talks and I feel my head buzz from the obsession in her voice, it's attractive in an odd way.

"Ok, I see I am glad you told me that. I have zero plan to ever neglect or toss you aside, I love you Daenerys and I want you to accompany me for the rest of my life as you have so far. The one time I was away from you I regretted it more than anything I ever felt, even more than last night." She slides her arms through the arm holes of her new dress and turns around with her sloppy bed hair and gives me a loving smile.

"Good, I knew how you felt but it's still nice to hear." She turns back around with a newfound eagerness as she starts to ready herself faster. "Did those four drink moon tea or are you potentially going to be fathering some bastards?" I cringe hearing her say those words, no kid of mine will ever be called a bastard.

"I think they did, I was upset when I woke back up and got out of there quick but they were drinking something that was steaming and it might have been the tea." I didn't see Shaena drink it and I need to ask her about it.

"I said once before your kids are my kids and I meant it, I may joke but I truly do see it that way. You are my male half and I will see each of your kids as mine regardless of what their mother says and if someone tries to keep me away from said kid I will be... unkind." I was already erect as it's early morning but the more she talks like this the more I feel the need to bend her over and give her that baby she seems to want.

"That makes me happy, I wouldn't want for any of my children to be disliked by someone so important to me." I stand up and finish stretching before approaching her as she faces away from me.

"I can't speak for the other two but I think they are the same, Shiera might even like the idea as she was pretty adamant about you fucking Rhaenys for your first time. She said your body langue around each other screams 'I want to fuck you' and she just wants to see the story conclude with her own eyes." She giggles at the end and I feel the fire growing stronger as I press my body against her from behind, she jolts in surprise before leaning back.

I take the brush and start to run it through her hair, her beautiful long hair that has an awkward cut part from me stealing from her. She kept it that way when I was gone and when I got back and told her about why I did it she decided it was 'cute' and left it.

Even when she braids her hair she leaves the cut piece free-flowing as if my claim is made visible upon her body.

"What about Rhaenyra?" I ask as She watches me passionately fix her hair for the day, I love small moments like this.

"She seemed more concerned she would be ignored than anything else, you know how she gets. I think you should seek her out first to show her how much she means to you." I smile getting advice on how to appease a woman from my own woman.

"Helping me out with my female problems?" I ask and she nods.

"I will help you manage things, as I have just mentioned your kids will be mine and if someone ends up carrying someone else's kid I will be quite upset. I am not accusing Shiera or Rhaenyra but if you end up fucking another woman which seems likely at this point I don't need them trying to pass off someone else kid as ours." The emphasis on 'ours' causes me to stop brushing and pull her around and lean in to take those sweet-talking lips.

I hold her in place as I taste those pink tender lips that belong to me.

She puts her arms around my neck and pulls herself up a bit so I help out and lift her from her behind. Minutes pass like moments as our feelings blend into each other.

"I am beyond lucky to have you." I speak with as much sincerity as I can, she is the biggest blessing I have. I ignore the chirps on the other side of the room as they also can be considered a big blessing.

"You are, you should do something nice for me." She pats my chest and I let go of the grip on her ass and she spins in place. "Like the outfit?" It's the same old Dornish-style clothes as any other day but I nod.

"Beautiful, but not as much as you." She snorts and walks away with a content look.

"So long as you know."