
298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenyra Targaryen


I take my mom alone to Eragons room, well I guess it's all of our room as we have been sleeping together since we agreed to wed. Eragon said it was fine to show her the dragons in person as we want The Vale as an ally. By showing the dragons to my mom who will rule the Vale next after my... grandfather she will feel more confident in supporting House Targaryen.

That and I want to hold Syrax right now, she will give me the confidence I need.

"This is your room?" She looks at the guards posted and then at me, I just push the door and she follows me in. "It's massive!" I close the door behind us just in time as a squeal shocks my mom and she jumps up. "What is that?!"

""Syrax this is my mom don't burn her."" Syrax snaps her jaws a few times before shuffling up my dress to my chest where she hangs and watches my mom with curious eyes.

"Is that a dragon? I don't know anything else that thing could be." She has her back to the wall and is watching Syrax vigilantly. "You have a dragon?!" I nod and walk toward her while keeping a hand under Syrax to make sure she won't fall.

"Give me your hand." I hold out my free hand and feel pretty excited to share this with the woman who birthed me. I don't remember her but I have always loved her and had respect for her, meeting her I find myself studying her features.

I see some resemblance, maybe not though it's hard to tell. I will ask Eragon if he thinks we look alike, he looks at me the most out of anyone.

She holds her hand out nervously and I take it and set it on Syrax's back who arches her back in response to the touch. Syrax looks at me hesitantly but seeing me not say much she eventually calms back down.

"It's a dragon though, right? How did you get one?" I rub Syrax's chin as she trills and shakes her head in comfort.

"It is a dragon and it's not just one, as for where I got her, Eragon found them." She raises a brow.

"Found 'them'?" She seems skeptical but I nod, it's one thing to show we have dragons and will raise them and a whole other thing to tell them how we got them.

A screech and flapping wings grab our attention as we watch Vhagar flap her pink wings and try to lift a pillow off the bed. She only gets half of it off the bed before she drops it and falls back down to the bed along with it.

"Wow, they look so different." I support Syrax as we both head over to the bed and sit down so she can see Vhagar up close. Vhagar not liking a stranger being in this 'territory' flaps her wings and screeches at my mom. "Am I ok?" She looks over at me and tries to give a little laugh but I can see she is uncomfortable.

""It's ok Vhagar calm down."" Vhagar stops screeching but flaps his way right off the bed to escape from the stranger.

"I can't believe there are real dragons..." She looks over at where Vhagar escaped to and spots the hole-riddled wall and floor where they have been digging into the sandstone to lay in it.

"You won't tell anyone right?" It's all but confirmed that word has spread, Eragons entry into Sunspear with a flaming box wasn't the best-kept secret. Add to that the high security and whispers of the maids of seeing the dragons it is obvious someone is spreading the word.

"I won't tell anyone, I don't know if this is the real reason or not my dad recommended I come down here. I took the chance because I wanted to see you but I didn't expect to see a real dragon." She grabs my hand and I look away from Syrax and into her eyes. "I want to talk about you though, tell me everything you can." I smile and feel a bit more excited now that the awkwardness is wearing away.


"So you enjoyed living with them?" I nod, of course, I did and I wouldn't change it for anything.

"Yes, I love them and I wouldn't want it any other way, I always missed you but nothing could be done about the circumstances." She wipes her eye to get rid of a tear that was welling up.

"I am glad you didn't have it too rough, you were confined into one house for most of the time but you don't seem too bothered by it." Home, that's what that house is and always will be, but it's also behind us and we will make a new home elsewhere.

"The house with the red door was a special place with a lot of good memories but also bad memories, I both love and hate it. But enough about me let's talk about you since I know hardly anything." She sits up straight and I momentarily wonder if I have any half-brothers or sisters.

"I didn't move around much either, I stayed in the Eyrie most of the time and got hands-on experience running the Vale. It was hard and I missed you every day but I made it through, the Vale is beautiful and I look forward to you seeing it one day. Maybe you will show me around it on the back of a dragon someday like my ancestor who bent the knee after flying on a dragon." That would be nice.

"What about your... family?" I ask somewhat nervously.

"You are my family." I nod and she seems to leave it at that but I want to know more.

"I am, but any other kids from your new husband?" Her face doesn't change much but her eyes seem tired all of a sudden.

"No kids, Robar is... not into women." My eyes widen and I lean back causing Syrax to hold on tight as she wakes up from her slumber.

"He is into men?" She nods and I suddenly pity my poor mom, she had to separate from me and then married a sword swallower. House Royce is one of the strongest bannermen of House Arryn but still, couldn't they give her one of their sons who liked women?

"Yep, we haven't married long, I wasn't ready to move on but Yohn Royce convinced me he would support me against any kids by Lysa Tully if I married his son. Lysa only has stillborn so I ended up not needing to rush but it ended poorly anyway with Robar being into men." She sighs and shakes her head. "I hope your future love life will be better than mine." I smile thinking about Eragon, I can't wait to be alone with him again.

Mom leans forward as I look at the ground thinking about last night and her eyes widen.

"You already have a love life?" She sounds hurt. "I missed out on so much... I want to know everything, I can't believe I missed the chance to talk about boys with you." Ugh, my face feels hot thinking about it but I don't see the harm.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenys Targaryen



I look over at Eragon as he helps Visenya with some questions she has about the Summer Tongue.

He leans on his hand and looks at the book with Visenya who is sitting pretty close to him and he points out some words.

""Hello Visenya."" He speaks and then looks at Visenya.

""Hello Eragon."" Visenya responds and Eragon nods with a wide smile.

"Good, you got that pretty quickly it seems you won't take to long to get the basics." Visenya snorts.

"I learned that last night with Shiera." Eragon slumps and looks depressed and I cant help but giggle seeing him fall from so high so quickly.

He looks my way and narrows his eyes as he sits back and crosses his big arms over his chest and looks into my eyes. He peeks at Visenya and sees she is busy with her book and meets my eyes once more, the tip of his tongue slides across his lips as he slowly stands up and grabs his chair.

"I am going to help Rhaenys for a bit, Visenya." She hums a response and doesn't even look away from her book as she keeps repeating words trying to memorize the language.

He walks around the table with one hand holding up his chair and doesn't break eye contact as he sets it down next to me and lowers himself into it.

"Lets see what you can do with the tongue, Rhaenys." I roll my eyes at him but clench my thighs together.

""Hello Eragon, how are you?"" I easily learned simple phrases, if he responds in the summer tongue I will be clueless but I have only been learning for a day.

"That's good, a little choppy but still good for how short you have been learning." I smile as he compliments me, though my face stiffens when his leg pushes against mine. "Let's try this one next." He points to my book and puts his finger under a word.

""Fight."" He nods and I push my leg back into his and the corner of his lip raises.

"That's correct, that's fight." He points to a different word with his right hand this time as his left is set on his leg. The tips of his fingers poke my thigh as he rubs his thigh back and forth.

""Swim."" He nods and his hand halfway rests on my thigh and I start to feel a tingle sensation spread from where his fingers are.

"That is also correct, that is swim." I grab his wrist and pull the rest of his hand onto my thigh and he complies and takes a strong grip on it. The tingle spreads as he massages my thigh with his strong grip and I bite my lip.

""Silent."" His grip eases up and I feel a bit disappointed until his hand starts to slide away from my knee.

"That's right, silent as in staying quiet." I nod and he relaxes his face so Visenya won't notice anything off.

His hand gets close enough that I have to part my legs slightly and he stops painfully close and grips the soft flesh of my thigh and molds it to his desire. I feel the desire to clamp down on his hand but keep my legs spread enough for him to do as he wants.

His other hand points to another word.

""Ocean."" My voice almost cracks as he lets go as soon as I open my mouth and slides his hand over my pussy. My dress stops him from having good access and I regret not pulling it out of the way.

"Yep, a soaking wet Ocean indeed." His voice is husky and almost growling which causes Visenya to look up confused at us. Not seeing anything she returns to her book and Eragon starts rubbing a finger across my slit.

I raise my hips and lean back so he can have better access and he takes the hint quickly and starts rubbing my slit even faster with a better angle.

He suddenly stops and I almost grab his hand before I feel it pulling up my dress from the bottom and sliding it up to where my thighs meet the seat. I sit back down and lift my legs as he slides it even further and by the time he is down it's around my waist.

He slips my underclothes to the side and puts his bare finger on my wet cunt and starts slicking across it.

I feel my head go light and I almost pass out as my legs try to close to stop him but he hooked his knee around my knee and is stopping me. He is going just slow enough that it won't make any noise but fast enough to make my head buzz.