68 R18


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Shieras lips slowly part as she slides my length into her mouth, her mom came back around from her knockout and is giving some advice.

"Use your hand at the base if you can't go all the way, and you can also use your other hand to grab his balls but be careful or you will hurt him. Can't go breaking those when I still need them to make a baby." Shaena guides her daughter's hands and slowly blushes as Shiera looks over with her blue and green eyes.

Shaena pulls all of Shieras hair back behind her and holds it up as she gestures to me and I grab it. I look down and see Shiera trying her best to take more of my cock in her mouth but she can at most get halfway.

Her hot and wet mouth licks up everything she can that was left by her mom as she lets out small noises. A hand pulled up her dress and is rubbing away at her crotch as she tries to pleasure me the best she can. I wonder if I should just throw aside what she said earlier as I want to pin her down and have my way with her body.

I use the hand hold on her hair to pull her head back and then push the back of her skull with my hand to help her along and she seems to love it if the noise is any indication.

"Now I am starting to get jealous." Shaena sitting on the side whines when she got cut off from her supply and crosses her arms to push her boobs up.

"Come here." I hold my free arm out and she smiles as she stands and presses her chest onto mine.

I grab onto her ass cheek as I work Shieras head on and off my cock and she even gags when I accidentally go too far. Shiera doesn't give up though and tries to take the whole thing with tears in her eyes and her hands gripping my thighs now.

Shaena kisses my cheek as she tries to turn my head to face her and away from watching her daughter. I close my eyes and lean into the kiss and the sensation of both their mouths sends a tingle to my head as I feel my legs shake.

I remember how Shiera wanted to watch me impregnate her mom so knowing my finish is coming I use my arm around Shaena to push her onto their bed. She is startled as she falls face-first into the bed and her ass is facing me.

I pull my cock out of Shiera as I feel a tingle that goes all the way up into my eyes and as I feel the seed start to come out I move and stab my cock into Shaena's cunt.

"Uhhh!" Shaena pulls her feet up behind me and they press into my ass pushing me deeper inside of her. My hands are on either side of her body on the mattress as I press down with my waist as hard as I can. Her ass is flattening against me as I unload everything I can into her.

I look over at Shiera and see her watching stunned with some seed sprayed onto her face. Her hand still going full speed on her cunt as she watches me try to rut a baby into her mom. Her pink tongue comes out and tries to lick all the seed on her cheek and my head buzzes watching her and shoots some more into Shaena.

"Fuck Eragon, I wasn't expecting that." I put my feet in a better position and pull Shaena a bit back to have her legs hang off a bit more. With a better angle and me leaning over her, I pull out and prepare to slam back into her. Her tight pussy does its best to hold on but with all the sloppy wetness I easily slide out until the tip.

Leaving just the tip in I feel her cunt suck it down and I look into Shieras eyes as I slam into her mom and she bites her lips.

"Come closer." Shiera scoots close enough and I lean in to kiss her as I lay into her mom with all my strength and turn her ass red.

Shiera starts shaking as she listens to her mom moans like a slut and gets pressed into the bed. Her tongue doesn't resist as I suck and twirl around it with my own and instead seems to want to be treated that way.

"Keep... GOING!" Shaena's feet kick against the ground as her pussy tightens and she squirts against me.

I almost unload again when we break the kiss and I see Shiera with a red face and hazy eyes. She bites her lower lip and pulls the top of her dress down to show off her big breasts.

"Touch me... please." She pouts her lip and I have to stand Shaena up on her feet so I can still fuck her and have a free hand to molest her daughter.

Ramming into a weakly standing Shaena with both my hands gripping Shieras tits is enough to make my head feel like it's spinning. I slide a hand down and it makes Shieras dress fall as I purse her pussy lips.

Finding her soaked slit I start to rub my finger around it as I feel my sack start to tingle. Knowing I am about to finish once again I let go of Shiera as quickly as I can and grab Shaena's hips and slam into her depths.

"Fuck..." Her legs give out and I keep her raised with my grip tightening on her hips.

"Eragon..." Shiera whines as I was just starting to play with her pussy and then I stopped, I can't respond as I rut into her mom.

Feeling Shaena's hungry cunt take everything in I can only sigh as I lean back my shoulders and pull her back onto me as hard as I can while pressing my waist forward. Shaena groans as I press into her to my utmost limit and spurt out the last of what she worked for.

"Please Eragon... I want to feel good too." Shiera has tossed the remainder of her clothes to the side and is digging into her cunt with one hand while rubbing my back with the other.

I look down at the side of Shaena's face and see her slack-jawed and eyes shut closed as she twitches. She needs a break anyway, I will just have to talk Shiera into letting me slip into her even if her mom is here.

I set Shaena down as she curls up like a baby and hugs herself, a occasional jerk is all that shows she is alive with her slow breathing.

"Lay down." I turn to Shiera and guide her to the bed as she chews on her lip watching her mom recover.

She falls onto her back and bounces a few times with her tits going wild, I grab both her legs and lift them showing her slit off. She finally looks away from her mom and down at where I am leaning my cock in to press on her pussy.

She doesn't say anything and just watches as I make contact, feeling her warmth emanate from her core I have to fight off the desire to just slam it into her. I take my time and rub the tip up and down her slit as she wiggles from the feeling. She isn't saying anything so I am taking it as approval on her part.

When each time I rub it across my fluid runs out I decide enough is enough and press my hips forward.

"Ahh." She jolts from the intrusion and grips the bedsheet letting her tits drop free.

I ease only the tip into her and I set my left hand above where her cunt is, using my thumb I locate her clit and start rubbing it. Her tension eases a lot as I massage her clit and she even ungrasps the bed.

"I am going to put more in." I warn her and she nods while looking away from our joining sexes and meets my eyes.

As I push forward the hot walls press down on my length with all their strength, for a girl that doesn't train her cunt has some serious crushing power. Expecting the blockage and knowing it will only build up her nervousness if I stop I break through it with a thrust forward as soon as I hit it.

Her eyes widen in surprise and she sits up while looking down at her stomach.

"You ok?" I ask and kiss her forehead as she rubs her lower stomach with a hand.

"I am fine, I didn't feel it but for a second." She turns her head up and kisses my lips passionately as I continue to push into her.

Having to pull out and go back in to reach the bottom took a few more attempts but I manage to get it all in. Her hot walls only rise in heat and feel like they want to burn me out of her but little do they know I am the 'dragon'.

Her hands roam my muscles as she sinks her head back into the mattress and I follow her not wanting to lose her sweet lips.

God, I came in here to apologize and ended up trying to put a baby into Shaena and now I am somehow fully sheathed inside of Shiera.

I pull out halfway and test pushing back in and find it seems to have eased up quite a bit. Knowing she is as ready as she ever will be I put my knees on the bed and push her legs toward her chest. She breaks the kiss and tries to look down but I lay on top of her so all she will see now is her breasts being flattened by my chest.

With my full length in her and my full weight on top of her, she can't go anywhere and seems to slowly accept that fact as she goes back in for a new kiss.

I raise my hips using my knees on the bed and when I get halfway I lower into her with a bit of force. She grunts but doesn't stop the kiss so I am to replicate the same move until she is adjusted and I can go faster.

To my surprise, after four thrusts into her, she seems to get off as her pussy starts to spasm and clench down with all its strength. I don't stop as it only feels better to slide in and out of as it feels like it's trying to massage my length.

"Eragon..." She turns her face to the side to breathe, I push myself up a little so she can breathe a bit easier. Her breasts shake as she takes big breaths, each time I ram into her she lets out a grunt. "It's deep, I feel like you're going to rip me open..." Her eyes shut tight and I would stop but I feel like I am getting close so I instead pick up the pace.

As soon as I do increase my pace my spine feels tingles and my head feels light, I lower my hips and try to go even faster as she clings to me. Her arms tighten as I feel the build-up and I lean down and press my face into her breasts.

As soon as I feel my cock pulsing with seed I press it into her as deep as I can and just go slack. I can't even remember right now how many times this is but it feels like this one was somehow the most.

My head buzzes and my toes curl as I breathe into her breasts and press my cock into her depths. Seed spilling out and potentially getting her pregnant right along with her mother.

The thought of both slowly swelling up with my kid is enough to go for another round but I roll off of Shiera and let her legs fall back down.

I shuffle myself away from the edge of the bed and then sit up so I can pull Shiera away from the edge, I don't want her to fall off.

Once she is pulled beside me I lean over and grab Shaena, I have to straighten her out but I manage to pull her to my free side and wrap an arm around them both.

I will clean off after we nap, I feel like my hips are on fire and my head feels light from emptying my sack into both of them.