78 R18


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


"Danny..." I am not even sure what to say at this point.

She came here to ask a question and already got her answer but now she wants Melisandre to 'serve' me.

"What, do you not want to fuck the attractive and shapely woman before us?" I look away from my sister and my eyes trail Melisandre.

Her form fills her red dress in a very enticing way, her pale skin contrasting with all her red. Her eyes which have watched the flames countless times seem to almost have their own flames inside of them.

Danny puts her hand into my pants and grabs my cock before running her hand along it. She leans in and presses her soft lips on my neck.

"I think you do want to fuck her." She lets go of my cock and grabs the sides of my pants with two hands before sliding them down. "I want to see you fuck her, then we can go back to our room and you can fuck me again." She speaks in a soft and tempting voice and runs a finger up my length.

"Your right, I do want to fuck her." She always was too seductive for her own good, but now she has spoken and there is no taking her words back. If she wants to serve her prince then she can go ahead and serve her prince. "Take them off." Melisandre's face doesn't change but her eyes 'fire' seems to turn into a blaze as her hands go up to her shoulders and pulls them off and slide her arms out.

"Damn, they are not stuffed." I look over at her curiously and find her eyes locked onto Melisandre's breasts which are swaying free from the dress as it slides down her body.

"They are not stuffed, my princess." Melisandre grasps one with her hand and her fingers sink into the soft flesh and I hear Danny gulp on the side.

"Hey was it me that wanted to fuck her or was it you?" She clears her throat and looks back at me with puffed-up lips so I briefly kiss her before standing up. "Let's see what these feel like for myself." I reach out as her hand falls and grab her boob and feel my mind buzz.

Shiera is a bit smaller than this but also a bit softer, and Shaena is a bit bigger but not as soft. It's a nice mix of the two I can see myself thoroughly testing the differences.

I run my other hand through her red locks and admire the color, letting go of the hair and boob I pull her toward the bed. She climbs onto the bed with her knees and raises her ass at a good level for fucking.

"Damn that is hot." Danny who helped herself to Melisandre's wine walks up behind me and wraps an arm around my waist.

I pull off my shirt and kick my pants to the side as I use my toes on the heel of my boot to pull them off as well. Stripping completely naked I walk up to her raised ass with Danny hugging my back and looking around my side.

"Wow, it looks like it won't go in." Danny watches the whole process and even grabs the base of my cock to slide my tip along her slit.

Melisandre doesn't react other than an increased amount of fluid dripping out of her slit and her knees slightly shaking. I turn to the side and Danny happens to look at me as I raise my hand and smack the fat and pale ass Infront of us.

Her ass has a perfectly shaped red hand print marking it after I pull my hand back, the ripple that went through it makes my body feel light.

I take a step forward and grip her hips as I push the tip into her entrance.

Danny who set her cup down has her arms wrapped around me with her hands flat against my chest. She pushes me forward slowly when I stopped to let Melisandre prepare herself, I reach back and smack her ass too.

"Let me go, woman." She shakes her head with it pressed against my back and I let out a sigh.

I ignore her and focus back on Melisandre as I push into her wet depths, her gripping walls cling to me as I slide myself inside of her. Working myself in and out a few times I find myself inserted all the way inside and her ass pressed against my lower stomach.

Melisandre squirms a bit and her breath gets heavy as I slowly pull out, getting halfway I pull her hips back while thrusting forward. Her ass slams onto my lower stomach and her cunt tightens even more around me. Melisandre pushes her face into the bed as I start to repeat the process.

"Fuck." A muffled curse comes from Melisandre as I pick up speed and start nailing into her with more strength. Her ass ripples every time it impacts my stomach, the ripples travel through her soft body and I can see her tits start to sway.

"Give me your hands." I let go of her hips and lean over her to grab her arms, sliding my hands down her arms as I pull them behind her. Soon I have her hands and interlock our fingers as I pull her back so her head is lifted.

I bite my lips seeing her big breasts swinging around as I try to pull my hips back, she stabilizes her lower body and I keep her upper body lifted. While pulling my hips back I get only halfway before the position gets awkward so I sheath myself into her warm cunt. Now when her ass hits me the ripple makes her tits bounce higher.

"Let me see those things." Danny climbs onto the bed and reaches around Melisandre and grabs both her big tits and she squeezes them.

"Uuuh." Melisandre's voice slips out as Danny starts pinching her nipples and molding her breasts to her desires. "Fuck." Her body begins to shutter and I feel her cunt clamp down as she tries to wiggle away from Daenerys.

Her knees are together with her ass raised with my knees on either side of her thighs, with her hands in my own she is locked in place. Daenerys smiles cruelly as she realizes Melisandre is stuck and really 'works' her tits. Melisandre drops her head and it hangs down as we both use her for our desires.

"These big tits are fun to squeeze." Melisandre's pussy spasms as I slam into her, I can't help but wonder if she enjoys the helplessness.

I start to get lightheaded as I build up speed and keep her ass clapping against me, my toes curl and my back tightens. I push into her in one last thrust with everything I have and pull her arms back. Sheathed to the limit I unload deep inside her as my eyes squeeze together feeling the pleasure run through me.

Her pussy pulses as I unload into her and she lets out a hum being filled with my seed.

Danny drops the boobs she was groping and walks on her knees toward me before kissing my lips. Her sweet scent fills my nose as my pleasure slowly begins to fade, her tongue gliding across my teeth seeking entrance. Opening my mouth she seeks out a battle that I wholeheartedly give her while sheathed in the red woman.

Pulling back she grips both sides of my face before looking into my eyes.

"I liked that, next time we bring at least Shiera with us because I am sure she will enjoy watching it even more than me." Her hands run down my body as she lets go and one finds itself on Melisandre's ass which is pink from abuse. She squeezes it and her fingers sink into the soft flesh and I slowly pull out of the cunt.

Once out I drop Melisandre onto the bed and she slowly rolls onto her back, her breasts going from side to side once she rolls over. Her thighs tighten and she puts a hand over her pussy.

"Did you enjoy... yourself my Prince?" She takes deep breaths and I lean over her and take a nipple in my mouth. She wraps her arms around my head and pulls my face into her body.

I let off her nipple and look up into her eyes that meet my own and she slowly smiles.

"I definitely enjoyed myself." She nods and her smile spreads a bit more as she sits up.

"I have a question, my Prince." She closes her eyes and rubs her forehead.

"What question do you have?" Danny is the one to ask as she grabs a breast again, I join in and grab the other, and she giggles.

"Would you like for me to take a preventative or can I see if I will get pregnant? You know that my body has 'changed' and I can only come to the conclusion that it was rejuvenated by R'hllor. The only thing I can think of he would do that for is if he wanted me to bear you a baby, or babies. I could have lived for quite some more time the way I was and so I don't think it was for lifespan." I hear Danny whisper 'won't they get bigger then?' but choose to ignore her as I meet Melisandre's eyes.

"I am fine with it, but I am letting Danny help me manage that aspect of things so her input will weigh in." Melisandre nods and looks into Daenerys eyes.

"Do you truly believe you are worthy of carrying my baby?" Danny asks with a sudden shift in tone and her face goes from a smile to a stony look. My own eyes widen seeing the sudden shift into 'serious Danny' but Melisandre seems unfazed.

"I believe I can give the Prince a healthy child." Danny drops the boob in her grip and crosses her arms.

"That's not what I asked, do you think you are worthy to carry my baby? Your 'Prince' thing is one matter but all his children will be mine as well so I want to hear if you believe you are worthy." For the first time since I met Melisandre, she looks stumped, even when the dragons hatched she didn't get stumped.

"I believe it's R'hllor's will." She answers resolutely, Danny shakes her head with a frown.

"I don't care if it's R'hllor's will I want to know what you think." Melisandre looks down at her naked lap and interlocks her hands.

"I don't believe I am worthy of having a real baby, but I will certainly try to be." Danny's frown morphs into a smile and she nods.

"That is enough, so long as you understand it should be about you picking and not R'hllor. If he gave you the ability to have a kid then he probably did it for you more than himself. He should know Eragon will not lack willing partners so I can only see it as he rewarded you for all your work in his name." Melisandre's eyes widen and she grips her hands tight enough that the little color they had faded and they turn bone white.

"I see... maybe." She looks toward the fire in the room with an odd glint in her eyes.

"We won't bother you any longer, don't take anything and we can always come and try again if you want. Eragon is always ready to fuck his favorite redhead, just look at him." Danny grips my still-hard cock and jerks it side to side.

I shake my head at her and walk away to get my pants and hopefully manage to stuff y cock back into them.

I take another look at Melisandre as I put a leg through my pant leg and see a strange look in her eyes as she looks into the flames. It's not her usual obsessive look or her impassive look, it almost looks like longing.