99 R18


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


Looking back on how I felt when I first entered the house I now feel a bit stupid. I felt like I was going to have to take it slow based on how Visenya normally acts. Now I question if it's really Elia that Rhaenys gets her passion from or if it's the dragon in her from Rhaegar.

Visenya wasted no time taking off her clothes and then took control of taking mine off as well. Well more like tearing off, the shirt is unusable now, and the pants can probably be stitched back into a usable state.

She even wanted to ride on top for her first without me helping, it was slow going but now it's an entirely different story. From slow and painful yelps to slapping her ass down onto my thighs with throaty moans that tickle my ears.

I agreed to let her do as she liked until she got tired and then it will be my turn, but that doesn't mean I can't use my hands at all.

My fingers sink into her soft breasts as she bounces herself on my lap, her head leaning back as she looks up at the ceiling. With how much she trains I would expect her to be a bit more 'built' but it's almost like she doesn't spend hours a day practicing her swordsmanship. Each time she impacts my body with her own her soft curves ripple and stimulate my mind.

I have to grit my teeth and focus to not give up the first round before she does, cant lose out to her on her first time I won't be able to live it down.

Her head slowly picks up from the laid-back position it was in and it slumps forward as she gazes into my eyes. Her hands on my chest that she is using for support slide up toward my neck as she leans her body in making me move my hands. Her breasts press onto my chest as her hands run through my hair and her fingers lock behind my head.

She no longer raises her ass and instead rocks her hips back and forth as she slowly builds my finish at a steady pace. Her nose presses against my own before she slowly tilts her head and slides her nose along my face until her hot lips press against mine.

Tasting her sweet tongue enter my mouth I lose the last of the resistance I had built and unload my seed inside of her. She whines into my mouth and her cunt tightens as it begins to flood into her and her hands squeeze the back of my head.

"Ahhh..." She breaks the kiss and pulls her head back to look into my eyes.

I would call it a truce with the way her lower body is shaking on top of mine, she pants as she relaxes the rest of her weight on top of me. I slide my hands down her sides toward her ass causing her to shiver. Gripping her meaty behind I start to rock back and forth as much as I can with her pushing me down into the mattress.

The pleasure slowly fades and my mind starts to clear up as I continue to explore her silken folds and she lays limp on top of me. Taking this as her leading role is being passed over I roll over with her ass still gripped and pin her beneath me.

"Eragon, don't go crazy my legs feel numb." I give her a reassuring smile but inside completely ignore her request as she has already driven me far past 'crazy'.


Standing up because my legs felt like they would fall asleep if I kept laying on them or had her ride me again I keep her ass in my grip as I hold her up. She has her arms around my shoulders and her legs loosely around my waist.

This is only the third time I have tried to do this before and the first two times were with Elia. She could keep herself up and let me rut into her using the full power in my legs, it got her mewling like a bitch. Trying it with Visenya is going less than perfect but she is slowly getting used to it, I think if she was rested she would be able to help a bit more.

I don't know how long we have been going but I know it must be closing in on an all-night session. The best way for me to judge without opening the door and peeking toward the cave entrance to see the sky is the empty feeling I am getting from my sack. I have without a doubt been getting better and lasting an extremally long time compared to individuals. It's just a fact I get more practice and I have many partners to pick up on different things from.

But even with that and the 'dragon blood' inside of me, there is only so much seed a man can put out without taking a break. But even if I feel a bit of pain in the back of my eyes after finishing the last few times I feel it's important to do it like this. I need to 'over perform' with each woman a few times, maybe it's an ego thing but I feel it shows them what I am made of so to speak.

If I can't or I don't ever do it then they might feel I undervalue them and that is a big problem for the health of a relationship. At least that's the way I see it, I can get as much as I want and always be 'satisfied' I need to make sure they also feel that way.

Visenyas soft lips kiss in multiple spots on my shoulder as I manhandle her ass to slide her on and off my length. Her abused slit has kept up the good fight, she has been dripping and gripping the entire time without stopping which fires me up to keep going.

Each time I bottom out into her I hold it for a moment before pulling her off me by sinking my fingers into her rear and sliding her back. Most of her weight is hanging from my neck which feels stiff as a board but the soft tits pressed on my chest are a nice payment for the pain.

Feeling her pussy twitching again I bottom out feeling like it wants to suck me deeper inside. My eyes start to water as they sting and my toes curl up almost making me fall over but I stand tall and hold my back upright as we have the last finish I think I can muster. Her soft breaths in my ear are almost like a lullaby as they make my eyes slowly close and I take steps back toward the bed.

The back of my knee hits the bed on a back step and I fall back on the mattress with Visenya riding on top of me. Neither of us says anything but she moves her legs out from behind my back as we both get comfortable. The last thing I feel is her soft hair tickling my bare skin as she turns her head to the side so she won't suffocate with her face against my chest.


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Shiera Targaryen


We sit around one of the fires outside the houses and watch Ashara cook some food that a servant brought up not long ago.

"Are they still sleeping?" Danny yawns as she stretches her arms and legs.

"I think so." I reply and she looks toward the house that Visenya and Eragon are inside.

"I am going to check on them, my curiosity can't contain itself anymore. I only promised not to interfere last night and it's the morning now so I am free of any vows." She stands with one final stretch and walks toward the house.

I look over at Rhaenyra and see she also is looking at me and we both stand up and follow after her. I am sure Rhaenys would like to see but the woman wouldn't wake up no matter what I tried and so she is still in bed. She even drooled on my favorite pillow, it's the one that smells like Eragon and once she stuffed her nose in it I couldn't get it back last night.

Danny leans against the door and places her ear against it with scrunched brows.

"I only hear breathing." She slowly pushes the door open and lets light into the house and I lean to the side to see through the crack.

The light shines onto the bed and I can see Visenya straddling Eragon with her whole body resting on top of him. His arms are wrapped around her waist and the sight would almost seem romantic if I didn't have a nose.

The strong smell of sex and sweat makes my face flush and my ears heat up, they must have just stopped. I wouldn't be surprised if they only just fell asleep with how the room hasn't cleared out at least a little. There is also the fact that Visenyas ass is still slightly red from where Eragon likely slapped her rear raw.

My morning perks up and I lick my lips, when he crawls out of bed and feels like he is free to relax for a moment after 'working hard' all night I will pull him back into bed. He won't say no either, he never says no even if he is exhausted and it's when he is easy to push around. Sometimes I like to be the one solely in charge and this exhausted Eragon will be perfect for what I am feeling like this morning.

The door closes and we sneak away quietly as we make our way back to the fire and sit down.

"God I am horny now, why did I even think that was a good idea?" Daenerys groans as she tucks her feet under her to sit on them.

"I call first." Rhaenyra speaks up causing my eyes to widen.

"Second." I manage to squeak out before Daenerys can recover and she groans loudly.

"I feel like I walked into that one." She whines and crosses her arms.

"Hello, girls." We hear a voice and we all turn to see Ellaria walking toward us.

"Good morning Ellaria." Rhaenyra speaks up earning a smile from the woman.

"The ships are returning today, the ones the sand snakes took to Ebonhead and we also will be getting one hundred more spearmen arriving today. The encampments are being built up nicely and we won't be getting anymore arriving until the last week before we are 'planned' to attack." So a little less than a moon from now and we will be moving on the pirates.

Well, Eragon and most of the Spearmen will be moving, I will be of the people staying behind with the dragons to ensure they don't fly off. It will be the first time Eragon separates from them long-term so we don't know how it will work or if our efforts will bear fruit. They might still fly off and try to find them but I think the training is working well and they haven't been disobedient. They are very well-behaved and are even still lounging around right now even though they could fly off.

Eragon refuses to chain them and I agree, it is a cruel thing to chain them when we all see them as our 'kids' so to speak. I believe our bonds with the dragons are unique even if compared with other Targaryens that had dragons. It would be a shame to change it in some way by showing we don't trust them and putting them in restraints.

I look off out the cave entrance and wonder if the Sand snakes succeeded in their mission and found our friend Nata.