
298 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


The mood as we walk through the city is even lower than it was the last time, something terrible happened.

For us at least.

We had a meeting with Benerro and the final Triarch who is one of the first women Triarchs since the century of blood, Marinna a tiger Triarch.

When we tried to head to the temple yesterday things go complicated when the tiger cloaks blocked the way and we could tell fires were breaking out behind the Black wall. A representative from the red temple, a priest by the name of Temman came out and informed us the meeting was canceled and that we would have to come back tomorrow.

Unsure of how to proceed we backed off to return the next day, which would be today and now we are being led to the temple. We brought double the number of men and we even have the rest ready to storm through the gate should things go awry. There is still smoke billowing up from inside the sectioned-off part of the city inside of the black walls.

Grim looks are worn by everyone riding into the city, it seems we are all thinking the same thing. The Tiger cloaks moved and took the black walls, how I have no clue but it seems the Elephants we talked with are likely dead.

What does that mean for our deal or our plans?


The massive flame-like temple is honestly a beautiful sight and up close it looks even better, The Tiger cloaks have slowly faded away the closer we got and all that's left is the Fiery hand. A slave army built to protect the red faith and they have flame-like tattoos on their faces.

How this is any different from the others who put different tattoos on the slaves I don't know but the slaves around here seem to be much happier. The fountain Infront of the temple is usually surrounded by a horde of people listening to the high priest but today it is empty.

The high priest still stands on his pedestal, his head shaved clean of any hair and covered in a mask of red flame tattoos. His entire head is one massive flame tattoo, close to him are some well-armed and armored Flame hands that have flame-like armor.

A smile spreads on Benerro's lipless face and he holds his hands high.

"It is nice to see you all on this day, I believe you have been kept waiting and I apologize for the sudden change in plans. It was not my intention to insult you and I only did as my Lord willed, I apologize for any inconvenience." His voice is hoarse but kind and he gives an impression of a very caring person.

"No problem at all High priest, we would like to discuss many things with you but first might I ask if you have any idea what happened within the black walls." Harry takes charge and speaks up about the concern we all have.

"My dear friend Marinna has dealt with some problems for me and helped to make Volantis a safer place for the lord's followers." I get a chill on my back looking into his eyes as he speaks, they murdered the opposition and the people who we had a potential contract with.

"I see, then I will be blunt and ask one more question." Harry clears his throat as the Golden company surrounding him along with the Khal Janir and his blood riders looking on edge. "Is there any point in us even talking? You have killed the people who were going to hire us and now there is no gold for us to remain here. You also support the Targaryens for whatever reason and see one of them as a god-made man." The high priest shakes his head and laughs.

"He is no god, he is the Prince who was promised he is Azor Ahai reborn. He is to be the Lord's light and the darkness will flee before him, there is no reason to fear the one who was born to save us. R'hllor proved who he was when the red star bled and the Prince woke dragon from stone, his flame will guide us all." It is one thing to hear it as a rumor but to see this man with so much power completely believe in someone he doesn't even know and claim he is a hero meant to save everyone... is scary.

I don't believe myself to be easily frightened but this right here is the stuff of nightmares, fanatic worship of a living man. If this grows and spreads through just the believers of R'hllor then Eragon Targaryen will be one of the most powerful people alive. R'hllor has believers all over and the obsession that most of them I have seen was always a bit weird to me.

But seeing that obsession pointed at a living breathing man is dangerous, this is a problem not just for House Blackfyre but for everyone who is not a follower of the red god.

"I don't expect you all to understand immediately, you may never understand but I still want to talk to you all and come to an agreement." He speaks up once more shaking me from my shock and I see Harry looking uncomfortable but still giving a curt nod.

"Then let us hear what you have to say." I have a feeling this is the real start of a massive problem.


That did not go well, but it also went better than it could have.

We were offered the same amount of gold we would have been paid to 'clean out the temple' to just simply leave. They don't want conflict with us and to lose numbers, the Dothraki won't be of much use to us if they stay behind the black walls and they should already be stockpiling food for a siege. So if we did attack them to remove the threat they pose we will lose lots of men or simply fail.

Fused Dragonstone is a tough material to crack and so we would have to take a gate to get into the black walls. That alone would be a feat and we will lose many in the attempt, and if we make it through the numbers are on our side but not enough to one-sidedly slaughter them. It would be a blood bath where we would pay for every step.

We have a week to decide and then the offer is off the table.

I sigh as we once again make our way back to the encampment to begin a long and tiring conversation about what to do. I know the way it will swing, we have both people who want to leave immediately for Westeros and people who worship R'hllor in the Golden Company.

They will want the gold and then set off for the seven kingdoms.

I can't blame them either since I also think it's a bad idea to fight a tough fight just to eliminate a threat that isn't a big problem at the moment. Ideally, we will quickly gain ground in Westeros and make allies with the faith to combat the Prince that was promised problem.

Daemon is especially pissed, he is very anxious about the Lord of light following and how they will affect the future war. They effectively took over Volantis and can support Eragon or even name him king of the free city. But it is already a fight to keep those ready to push for Westeros to wait, now that we are getting paid to leave Volantis there is nothing to stay in Essos for unless we keep 'raiding'.

That is a problem as well since some men see it as cowardly and I agree with them on that as well. But the Dothraki have it in their blood and can't sit still and have to be cutting men down or they get bothered quickly.

There is no telling how long it will be before Khal Janir loses control of the Khalasar to a challenger, he deals with most threats in underhanded ways and the horse savages are catching on. If he loses we may find ourselves fighting the men we have been traveling with or they might just up and leave without a word. Things are not looking good and the only real answer seems to be to leave for Westeros and start the war in full.

That way the Dothraki and the hot-blooded men of the Golden Company are all happy and no infighting will take place. But getting there is a problem, our father has ships and his friends do as well but it's cutting it close. Not even mentioning the Dothraki not wanting to cross the sea because they fear any water their horses can't drink.

This gold can go a long way in getting more ships and maybe even recruiting some more men before we set off. There was talk of actually buying some Unsullied which does not sit well with me, especially after seeing the slaves in Volantis but there isn't much I can say at this point.

I guess I will just have to wait until we make it back to the command tent.


298 AC

The reach - Highgarden

Olenna Tyrell


I snort reading another letter asking for my Golden flower's hand in marriage, there are only three I am even bothering to consider at this point.




Two promise to make a queen out of her and one a princess, Targaryens really would be tossed to the side if it wasn't for them having many loyal supporters among our bannermen and the rumors of dragons.

Those dragons are the real reason I am holding off on putting the Targaryens to the side, sure Daemon or Joffrey could make my girl a queen but would it matter? What good is a crown if a dragon burns you to ash, I didn't do all I did just to have my family go up in flames.

But I can't hold off forever on the words of rumors and a few spies, I need proof before I decide. If they want to marry Aegon Targaryen to my golden flower then they will have to show me a dragon. If they can do that then I will hand her over, it will break her heart to not be the queen but there is much we can do from the winning side with dragons in play.

Her children would be able to ride a dragon or at least their children, it is a long-term play I sadly doubt I will see bloom but I can prepare her if we have to go that way. She will have to bide her time and play nice to get our house more power in the new game.

But that is if the dragons are real.

If they are not then it comes down to Blackfyre and Baratheon, Baratheon looking more secure. But I can't write off the efforts that are going into the war effort of the Blackfyres. Selling off one of their kin to a horse lord for his army of screaming savages, a heinous but effective move. They will come in stronger than any Blackfyres before them, and I don't think Ser Barristan will be putting a stop to these Blackfyres in his old age.

I sigh and think about one last move before I decide to send a letter and accept anything.

I need to confirm where everyone else is standing and then I will make a move, Lady Arryn visited Sunspear on her father's orders but I doubt she has any hesitation. Her daughter is a Targaryen and she is likely on their side, the north is also up in the air on which side they will fall on. With the North comes the Riverlands and that alone can make the Targaryens a massive threat even without dragons.

So I need to talk with a few people and see where they stand, pull some strings, and cash out old favors.