
298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Rhaenyra Targaryen


Sitting on a hammock with Eragon we each lay flat on our backs with our heads on opposite sides of the hammock. Legs crossing each other and we are massaging the foot of the other as we sit in comfortable silence.

Those boots really squeeze my toes together and it feels nice to have them free after the long and suffocating pressure is gone. Eragon has been practicing massaging on different parts of the body, he even asked an experienced Ellaria to give him tips. He told me he wants to be able to help us relax better and I want to call bullshit but I hold off.

The real plan he has is to make us feel indebted so we will give him massages in return, it is plain to see. But I won't complain when he is able to use his hands to make my feet feel this good in only a matter of moments. I feel bliss run up my legs as he slowly climbs up my calf and works the muscle with his fingers. So long as he does this a little while longer I will be fine with anything he wants to 'try' no matter how I would normally feel.

It's all about give and take, I am taking and soon I will have to give.

""Your legs are shaking my love, do you feel good?"" His voice wakes me from the state I was in and I open one eye to look over the top of my breasts to barely see his eyes observing my body.

""It feels good, please don't stop."" I might as well go ahead and beg before he tries to swap something around.

He will go from massaging my legs to wanting to massage my 'back' and then I will soon find a cock inside me and the real 'massaging' begins.

But for now, I just want his fingers to work off some of my stress, it is a nice feeling even if it pales in comparison to sex. I don't always have to feel the absolute best and enjoying something like this can be just as fulfilling.

""I will rub your legs until the sun stops rising in the sky or the sea dries, just let me know when you have had enough."" Yea he definitely wants to wear out my insides, it's going to be a long night.

I sigh as he works on the back of my knee and my legs go limp in his grasp, the small smile on his face before I close my eyes makes my heart beat faster. Sometimes the smallest of things mean more than the biggest.


"I can't believe this is what you wanted me to do." I sit with a fishing pole in my hands, I am sitting in his lap while his arms hold me against him.

The shade from the tree is nice and lets us stay cool as we watch the fishing line float around with the bait on it. Eragon has the fishermen that were brought to the island pile a mountain of fish up for the dragons yet he wants to fish together.

"I like spending time with you doing stuff like this, you owe me anyway so sit back and relax as we wait for dinner." I snort and lay my head on him and wiggle my butt against his groin.

"What if we don't catch anything? Will we go hungry because we lack the skill?" He kisses my head and lays his cheek on it after breaking the contact.

"I will just eat you if you can't catch anything." Normally that would get me going but the tone of voice he used almost makes me think he is serious.

"I better catch a big one to fill your fat stomach." His arms around me and torso against my back stiffen and flex as he refutes my claim wordlessly.

I shift in his tight grip feeling my body heat up the longer I rest against him, my hands holding onto the fishing pole for dear life. His arms relax and his left-hand turns my head around as he leans down and claims my lips.

His right-hand finds itself on my breast and my legs stretch out as he grasps it roughly. My head starts to feel fuzzy as he let let's go just so he can slide his hand through the top opening in my dress to grab my boob barehanded.

A tug on the line almost yanks the pole from my unprepared and weak grip, I break the kiss as I pull the pole back and watch the water surface break as a fish thrashes.

""I got one!"" I am lifted as Eragon stands up and gives me space as I pull the fish onto the shore.

The green and black spotted fish flops on the sand as I pull it onto the shore and take steps backward tugging it further onto the beach. I smile wide as I get the fish far enough away from the water so it won't flop back into the sea. I set the pole down and approach it with excitement as I grab the line and pick it up and it trashes around more.

""Here you go."" Eragon holds out a knife and I take it without much thought before realizing he wants me to dispatch the fish.

I grip the handle and set the line down to free my hand to hold the fish still, I put my hand over its back fin and hold it down. Having it restrained I take the knife and line it up with the back of the skull and push it in, the sharp blade sliding right through and into the sand beneath.

The fight goes out of the fish as I watch a small amount of blood stain the sand and blade. Pulling it out I look at the knife and see my eyes barely reflected with a small amount of blood on the blade.

This reminds me of what I will be doing with all my training in a little more than a week from now. I will push my blade through men who have the intention to do the same to me, a fight to the death.

Looking away from the knife and up at Eragon as I grip the fish with my other hand, his head is tilted and his face is neutral. I think his goal in all this was to make me think what I am currently thinking.

To be honest, he will need to give me more than a massage to make up for the deception, he could have just talked to me. I am ready and willing to protect him and ensure he survives this ordeal, I won't be left behind ever again. The last time he left I felt betrayed even though I know I shouldn't have, he had it handled but I am not comfortable being left behind again.

""I am going with you Eragon."" His neutral look slowly changes into a small smile and he gives a short nod.

""I know, you have made it clear and I have gotten over my needless worry."" I raise an eyebrow at him and he snorts. ""Only the needless worry, I kept the needed worry."" I shake my head and pick the fish up as I stretch my back.

""Let's go back and get this cooked we can enjoy it together before we get started on the real fun."" His eyes briefly widen before going back to normal just long enough to show his interest and I start walking ahead of him.

Twisting my hips enough that his eyes will be drawn to my ass I look over my shoulder and see him putting his full focus on my rear. Shaking my head I leave him behind as he stands watching me take the lead.


"Yep, that taste like a fish." I finish off my half of the fish and toss the bones to Syrax who was watching with keen interest.

"I agree, but I was expecting that from the beginning so I am satisfied." Eragon knits his fingers together behind his head and leans back into his seat as I stand up and approach him.

Spinning so my back faces him I sit across his lap sideways and look into his eyes as he slowly smiles and drops his hands to grab my side.

"Satisfied? I was expecting to be taken inside and maybe have you help me wipe down from the heat and I was going to do the same for you." He nods and I press a finger on his chest before drawing circles with it. "I was hoping after we wipe each other off we could get in bed and unwind for a little while." I bite my bottom lip and blink slowly as I slowly rock my hips back and forth on his lap.

"Maybe more than a little while." Eragon slides an arm under my knees and keeps one behind my shoulders as he lifts me up.

I lean my head into his chest as he carries me to the destination I seek, my heart beating faster in anticipation.


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove



Watching Rhaenys catch her breath alongside Obara I feel excitement, it is very nice to have people I like to be around that can keep up with me. They also have their own unique way they fight and I have even picked up a few things from the way they wield their spears. Spears are common in Summer Isles but not many people I am 'friends' with can keep up with me.

Rhaenys has been pushing very hard and we have been fighting from sun up to sun down as she wants to be battle ready as possible. Everyone is training in some way or another but it is most obvious to me with Rhaenys because she keeps coming back for more.

We have quickly bonded over the many long hours we spent sweating together in the heat and sand. She even talked to me about the things the other Targaryens got up to in her home, Sunspear.

They first met in a normal way and she and Eragon hit it off pretty quickly, easy to believe with him since that's the way he is. I felt oddly proud when she told me about him practicing the spear against her and bragging about his teacher, who is me.

It was nice to hear he thought about me when we were separated by the sea.

But other than him running off and coming back with dragons the Targaryens didn't do much in Sunspear.

That is until Eragon started fucking most of the women Rhaenys knew, apparently starting with her mom. I put that bit out of my mind, Eragon won't fuck my mom or at least I hope he doesn't as I would not really like that.

She went into quite a bit of detail about her slowly grinding down his defenses and then they started getting handsy in places they shouldn't. Her sister Visenya joined in taking to the idea that Eragon was someone she would like to marry with, dragons axed most of her options but Visenya seems to have no regrets from what I have seen.

I have to cover my ears some nights, I want to get to know these new people better but I don't need to hear them pant and moan the entire night.

If they want to do that every night then they could at least invite me as well, I plan to marry him as well and Balerion only helped my case. I think I will include myself soon and see how they react, seeing the looks Eragon gives me in the bath I am sure he won't mind.

I shake my head and grip my training spear tightly, that man gives looks even when I am not naked.

"Let's go again." I call out and get two tired nods from my companions.

Got to clear my mind before I work myself up to pounce on him too soon.